How to Attract a Guy Who Has a Girlfriend! This Might Sound Strange But is Definitely Possible

So you feel a little guilty about the way you feel about the guy who has a girlfriend. You are not the only one to harbor such thoughts about guys who are not eligible! If you are deeply attracted to him and want to get him no matter what the situation is, then go ahead and read these tips. They will help you steal him right from under her nose!

Be a buzzing bee around him

Do your best to always be around him, without being too obvious. Stay in his line of vision and look attractive. Take care to dress in a manner that grabs his attention. Pretend that you don't know that you are making an impression on him. This will make him in turn try to catch your eye.

Try and gauge his feelings for her

If he seems too serious about her then you would have to respect his feelings for her and let go! But if you find that he does not seem to be too serious (because he has been giving you the looks too) then you could try and get him! Get your timing right and don't try to rush matters.

Don't try to stalk him - you will seem too creepy

It is one thing to try and be where he is and get him to notice you and another to stalk him and follow him around! Take care not to seem too obsessed with him. It will put him off and give his girlfriend a chance to point out how ridiculous you are! This will spoil all chances!

Let him see that you are better, sexier and hotter!

Once you realize that he has begun to notice you too, make sure you oust the competition! Look better, dress better and appear more exciting than his girlfriend. Once he sees this, he will begin to lose interest in her and latch on to you!

Take all the advantages you can!

Don't let go of any opportunities or advantages to get your man. If he is studying in the same school as you, while his girlfriend does not, then you have an advantage and a much better chance at setting your cap at him! Plan your moves and get ready to attract him.

Be confident in your abilities to get him

Don't get insecure or have doubts while you are trying to attract him. It will show and probably make you do something stupid that will blow all your chances with him. Instead look at the situation maturely and make him see how level headed and cool you can be. Your confidence will make you more attractive!

Don't try to get friendly with his girlfriend

It is better not to get too close to his girlfriend (even if you think it is a good way to get close to him!). The moment you become her friend - it will be very difficult to betray her and you will feel guilty every time you try to attract him with your charms. Keep her at arm's length!