Invariably when you go out to a party there is always that one girl who seems to be getting all the attention. And while it's easy to dismiss these girls as being the very beautiful flame to which the moths (read: guys) are drawn to, the fact is sometimes they are not as popular later as they are purely on their looks.
So what does it take to become a guy magnet?
Outward Appearance: You might not be the best looking girl at the party but that has nothing to do with being attractive. And a good start is to dress the part. Wear clothes which look good on you and if it is a bit sexy then so much the better. While showing excessive skin might term you as loose, showing off a tiny bit just adds to the appeal.
A touch of Mystery : If there is one thing that women have going for them, it is that air of mystery which many possess. Men just love this! A few nuggets of information here and there will leave them wanting for more.
Be a good conversationalist: In any social situation, being able to conduct a good conversation is a key skill. Even if you do not know much about the topic you can come off looking good if you ask intelligent questions about it. Men love showing off their knowledge and you come off as a good listener in the process.
Body language: A crucial aspect of maintaining a good vibe of attraction is to project the right body language. Every little thing from your posture to the tone of your voice and facial expressions give out subtle signs. Make sure you are projecting the right kind of attitude through your body language.
Know yourself: Sometimes all it comes down to is being confident and letting that confidence shine through. Most guys like a woman to know her mind and have opinions about things. If you are comfortable in your own skin then it adds that extra bit of sparkle to your personality.
Flirting is good: Most people think that flirting has to have some kind of sexual component but the truth is flirting is just about making good conversation. Throw in the odd smile or touch on the shoulder to add impact to your flirting.
Never be clingy: However interested you might be in a guy do not be clingy with him. It's the fastest way for any potential relationship to down the drain. No excessive calls and texts. Allow him to be the man and chase you. But there is no harm in making that occasional call or SMS.